Harbour House / Events / Tue 01 to Sat 05 Mar 2011 (5 days)
Emerging Art

Kingsbridge Community College presents its sixth annual exhibition of Art and Photography at Harbour House. The exhibition gives the students the opportunity to show off coursework produced for AS and A2 Level studies, and features a wide range of drawing, painting, printmaking and sculpture as well as photography.
Drawings, paintings and lino prints have been produced by art students, in response to the theme 'Intense Emotions' and inspired by the works of Lucien Freud, Alison Lambert and Francis Bacon. Art students have also researched the work of Peter Randall-Page, Barbara Hepworth and Andy Goldsworthy, and have developed mixed media sculptures exploring the qualities of natural forms such as plants, flowers, seed pods and shells. Materials used include chicken wire, willow, string, material, raffia, Modroc, plastic and other recycled materials.
Photography students have been working on a variety of themes, including 'Portrait, Action, Body', 'Industry & Machinery', 'Viewpoints', 'Still Life' and 'Outside Spaces'.
For more information visit http://www.harbourhouse.org.uk/gallery-Year12and1311.html