Harbour House / Events / Tue 10 to Sun 15 Mar 2020 (6 days)
Eclipse : photography by Julie-Ann Hayes

This exhibition intends to raise awareness around emotional wellbeing using the horse as a primary metaphor. The project is about searching for clarity, reaching out for support, and navigating a pathway. The landscape of the horse represents strength, trauma, trust, history, beauty, senses and feelings. The project aims to stimulate discussion around how people experience emotional turmoil and reconciliation. The images are intended to provide time out for reflection.
Open daily 10 am - 5 pm, and there's an opening view on Tuesday 10 March from 6 - 8 pm.
Additional images showcase people working with horses and the beginning of a new project examining birds of prey. This project will continue to review dynamics, interactions and relationships with the natural world.
Julie-Ann Hayes is a documentary photographer, a Chartered Fellow of the Institute of Personnel and Development who regularly travels across the UK and overseas. Her photography focuses on engagement, wellbeing, belonging and identity and she aims to encourage discussion and reflection through photography. Her projects examine how work, sport, animals, family, friendships and environments impact on values. In 2019 Julie-Ann completed her MFA in Photography at Ulster University. She exhibited at Belfast Exposed in 2019 as part of an international showcase of works, her photography focusing on spirituality, wellbeing and separation.
For more information visit https://www.harbourhouse.org.uk/g20-jah.shtml