Harbour House / Events / Tue 04 to Sun 16 Jun 2013 (2 weeks)
Colours of India, Sculptures from Devon

An exhibition of Diane Hemingway's acrylic paintings and Jean Lock's sculptures in clay, bronze resin and papier maché.
Diane Hemingway's acrylic paintings of architectural themes and still life arrangements are a direct response to the light and colour that she experiences at her home in France, and on her travels in India, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Spain.
After a career teaching, lecturing and psychiatric social work Diane was able to concentrate on painting.
"I spent the winters travelling through Sri Lanka, Nepal and India. Rajasthan is my particular favourite. Even the smallest town boasts a palace or a temple, some of which are stunningly beautiful. I painted in watercolours, partly because that's the lightest equipment to carry around, but also because it's a medium that can give a quick and spontaneous response to the environment."
These paintings form the inspiration for Diane's work in the studio, where she works in acrylic paint on a larger scale, "loosening up the image to create impressionistic or semi-abstract paintings. I always try to maintain the essence of the original image, to recreate whatever interested me initially in the subject.
My other joy and inspiration in life are flowers and trees. I love to make carefully observed watercolours, noting the transparency of a petal, the curve of branch and leaf. Later I will use what I've discovered in the subjects to make freer compositions in acrylics. My paintings are also influenced by the vibrancy of colors in Span,where I lived for ten years: the reds of the earth, the orange and yellows of the fruit trees, the green and purple olives."
Diane now paints in France, and has exhibited her work at galleries in the UK, Nepal, Sri Lanka, India, Spain and France.
Following a career in teaching, Jean Lock has embarked on a new career which has allowed her to experiment with clay, papier maché, printmaking and painting. She is passionate about life drawing, and the human form is a constant theme in her work, whether as a graceful sculpture, a colourful collagraph print, or a playful papier maché sculpture inspired by poetry or music and incorporating fragments of text or manuscript.
Jean is a member of the South West Sculptors Association, and exhibits her work at the D'Art Gallery in Dartmouth and the Brownston Gallery in Modbury. As a printmaker, she exhibits annually with Press Gang, the Salcombe Printmakers.
For more information visit http://www.harbourhouse.org.uk/gallery-dhemingwayjeanlock13.html