Harbour House / Events / Sat 20 to Sun 28 Apr 2013 (1 week)

Elise Carr presents her first solo exhibition, featuring recent photographic explorations of natural forms, alongside some woven textiles that have been inspired by them. Colour and texture are key features in Elise's work
“I acquired my sister's Brownie camera when I was ten and became smitten with photography. As well as taking the usual portraits and holiday scenery, I took many pictures of ageing rooftiles and reflections of buildings in water. When at sixteen I was able to gain access to my childhood savings account I took the whole amount out to buy a Yashika twin-lens camera with attachable coloured lenses and wonderful lift-up viewfinder. With this I continued to experiment until, unfortunately, the film required for it was no longer available (but I still have the camera!).”
Throughout a career in teaching Elise's interest in photography continued to flourish, and she sought out interesting colours, textures and forms in lichen-covered dry stone walls, sea-sculpted rocks and the vibrant yellow of rape flowers against blue skies.
“Being a keen gardener I am always inspired by the beautiful forms and colours of the flowers and vegetables that I have grown, both in situ and when gathered in glorious abundance."
Elise enjoys experimenting digitally with colour, creating new interpretations of familiar subjects, and always aiming to keep the images fresh and surprising.
“Throughout my life I have created textiles, again feeding into a love of the relationship between colours and textures. More recently I have learnt to weave, which has given me a new way of combining colour, texture and form in a way that I and, I hope others, find exciting.”
For more information visit http://www.harbourhouse.org.uk/gallery-ecarr.html