Harbour House / Events / Tue 29 Sep to Sun 04 Oct 2020 (6 days)
Body Language ii

This will be an exhibition by a diverse group who enjoy and are excited by the challenge of life drawing and painting. As a drop-in session the numbers vary from week to week, but a core and constant group keeps the momentum of a regular practice. The models are many and various, each offering their own challenge to the artist. The members take turns at managing sessions with imaginative settings and poses, with anything from just a few minutes or moving poses to a day-long setting and working in depth. The artists work with their own choice of scale and materials.
After the success of group's exhibition at Harbour House in 2018, the artists are looking forward to the opportunity to exhibit again and to demonstrate the diversity and variety of their individual practices developed in and from these sessions. There will be a mix of framed work and a less formal presentation of works on paper, and very much a celebration of a long-running artistic activity at Harbour House.
For more information visit https://www.harbourhouse.org.uk/g20-fldg.shtml
Event Location
Harbour House
Telephone: 01548 854 708
Email: info@harbourhouse.org.uk
Website: https://www.harbourhouse.org.uk/g20-fldg.shtml