Harbour House / Events / Tue 13 to Sun 18 Nov 2018 (6 days)

Body Language

Body Language

An exhibition of drawings and paintings from the Friday Life Drawing Group at Harbour House.

A diverse collection of people who enjoy and are excited by the challenge of life drawing and painting attend the weekly drop-in session. Each week a different member of the group sets the pose, and the number and length of poses varies from one week to the next.
Drawing from life is not a static process; it involves continual development of work in progress, experimentation with composition, materials, surfaces - and the challenges presented by the form of the human body itself.

For more information visit http://www.harbourhouse.org.uk/g18-fldg.shtml

Event Location

Harbour House

Telephone: 01548 854 708
Email: info@harbourhouse.org.uk
Website: http://www.harbourhouse.org.uk/g18-fldg.shtml
