Harbour House / Events / Sat 20 Oct to Sat 10 Nov 2012 (3 weeks)

Blue is the colour of the heavenly, the divine and the spiritual; a symbol of infinity, fidelity and of loss. These symbolic meanings seem to be universal throughout the world of art and religion. Linking heaven and earth in the Renaissance paintings of the Madonna,
blue was reserved for the Holy Mother's robes, symbolising her purity.
In the ancient world Azurite, a natural mineral, was used to make a blue pigment used by the Egyptians. Difficult to make, and very rare, it was used sparingly and reserved for sacred images. The secret of Azurite was lost to chemist and artist in the dark ages,
and the search for this most elusive of colours led eventually to Afghanistan
and another rare mineral, Lapis Lazuli, now known as Ultramarine.
In the fifteenth century Ultramarine was more valuable than gold. Radiant and permanent, it was highly desirable to artists and patrons alike. In the nineteenth century chemists came to the rescue, synthesising a blue from a compound called phthalocyanines, at a fraction of the cost of true Lapis Lazuli, and leading to the production of the vibrant colours we enjoy today.
All works submitted to our Open Art Exhibition must be predominantly blue.
Skies and seascapes are an obvious interpretation of the theme, but selectors hope to see a wider range of imagery, and a creative and thoughtul use of a range of blues.
Handing-in: Monday 15 October 2012 (9.30 am - 12 noon)
Opening View: Friday 19 October 2012 (6 - 7.30 pm)
For more information visit http://www.harbourhouse.org.uk/gallery-Blue2012.html