Harbour House / Events / Tue 08 to Sun 20 Mar 2011 (2 weeks)

Bless_ed: art in engagement with the enigmatic sayings of the teacher Jesus is an exhibition curated by StillPoint, a project which seeks to nurture and encourage spiritual practice. Project partners Ian Adams and Matt Rees draw from the wisdom and practice of the contemplative and mystical streams of the ancient Christian tradition, and from similar streams in other spiritualities and faith traditions.
Stillpoint has curated two very well received art exhibitions in 2009 and 2010 at the Jam Factory Gallery in Oxford. Ian has recently moved to South Devon and Stillpoint is delighted to have the opportunity to present the Bless_ed art event at Harbour House.
For the Bless_ed exhibition Stillpoint is inviting 20 south-west based artists to each create a new piece of art in engagement with one of the enigmatic sayings of Jesus - the Beatitudes - the collection of wise and disturbing sayings in the so-called ‘sermon on the mount’ such as ‘Blessed are the poor in spirit...’. The Beatitudes rarely invite easy answers, but question, provoke and inspire - which will no doubt produce an exciting art event.
Artists confirmed so far include Bellestar, Colin Brown, Rosie Burns, Anita Collier, Graham Fish, Sally Fisher, Sam Gingell, Arthur Glendinning, Stuart Low, Anne Pirie, Anita Reynolds, Maggie Smith, Richard Uff and Alison Veazey.
Informal Gallery Talk with Artists: Saturday 12 March at 11 am. Admission free.
For more information visit http://www.harbourhouse.org.uk/gallery-Stillpoint11.html