Harbour House / Events / Sat 12 to Sat 19 Nov 2011 (1 week)
Ann Chester King & Denise Orchard

Ann Chester King and Denise Orchard have been painting for many years, sharing a studio for the last two years and enjoying the challenge and stimulation of each other's creative energies.
The exhibition features a varied body of paintings with an underlying passion for capturing life and sharing a view of the world around us.
In recent years the artists have exhibited at Birdwood House in Totnes, and Ann Chester King has participated in the Totnes and Dartington Open Studios event, while Denise Orchard exhibits annually with the Totnes Art Society.
“My work is about impressions, glimpses of landscape and the forms within it. My work is the product of a momentary impact experienced whilst present in a landscape. The paintings are abstractions – the essence from the image I was left with. Colour and texture are both important and integral to my work.”
Ann Chester King
“My underlying passion is painting people, in scenes or as portraits, and I love the work of Edward Hopper and Norman Rockwell. But I am inspired by almost anything I see around me which attracts my interest in terms of colour, shape, form or light, all of which hold equal fascination for me. The source of inspiration usually suggests a medium and style to which I respond with a variety of approaches, with diverse results."
Denise Orchard
For more information visit http://www.harbourhouse.org.uk/gallery-AKingDOrchard11.html