Harbour House / Events / Tue 09 to Sun 14 Oct 2012 (6 days)

4A is a group of four artists who enjoy the challenge and stimulus of staging an exhibition together every few years. They work in their individual and independent ways but maintain ongoing contact through art activities in the area. As artists living in South Devon, all are inevitably influenced by the local environment and collectively their work reflects a wide range of artistic experience. Outside from land and sea, town and village, inside in life drawing and painting and in small domestic details, all subjects are encompassed in their fascination with the processes of drawing and painting.
David Barwick : “I am interested in those places where man has made a small mark which changes the view, just a little – a hedge line or old wall following the form of a hill, a distant house with its shelter of trees, the patterns on his use of the land, the rhythm of his ploughing.”
Derek Symons: “My fascination with drawing and painting the human subject never diminishes and at exhibitions and galleries I am drawn to pictures, old and contemporary, which portray people. Drawing and painting from life has its own inbuilt standards of assessment, for we each have an innate understanding of how the human frame should look."
Annabelle Gregory: “Life drawing has been foremost in my life, and I have hardly missed a life drawing class at Harbour House since moving here from Oxfordshire 14 years ago. Over the years, and without intent, my painting has progressed from semi-abstract to a form of innocent art, and this combined with my figurative work is exciting.”
Diana Miller: "My aim is to paint broadly, figuratively and vigorously, with integrity and joy. Where shape is dominant, or light is surprising, I enjoy emphasizing this. My painting is optimistic and decorative."
For more information visit http://www.harbourhouse.org.uk/gallery-4a12.html