Harbour House / Events / Tue 13 to Sun 18 Oct 2009 (6 days)
4A Exhibition

The members of the 4A group have known each other for several years, meeting initially as participants in activities at the studios of Harbour House and Salcombe Art Club. From time to time they enjoy the challenge and discipline of exhibiting work together and, following successful shows in 2004 and 2006, the group makes a welcome return to Harbour House in 2009.
The artists enjoy painting for its own sake, as an irresistable activity in already busy lives. Between them they have exhibited work on a regular basis over a long period, from the South West to London and beyond. Living in South Devon, all four are inevitably influenced by the local environment, and collectively the work reflects a wide range of artistic experience. Subjects include land and seascapes, life drawing and painting, figurative studies and small domestic details, and in each shines through a fascination with the processes of drawing and painting.
For more information visit http://www.harbourhouse.org.uk/gallery-4AGroup09.html