He is increasingly involved in collaborative ventures and keen to explore further initiatives.
''A proven exponent of short-short fiction; the texts deal with the fantastic nature of the ordinary imparting an exotic dream-like quality, often overlaid with myth and traditional story-telling narrative''. They're also very, very short.
Bob's been involved with poetry administration, writing and performing, being published in various Small Press publications, AND:
Autumn 2013: co-organiser of the first Left Bank & Watermill Cottages' 'Slow Nature, Wild Words' festival: for further information: http://watermillcottages.blogspot.co.uk/
Summer 2013: collaborating at TRAIL to produce 5 Feuilleton Fictions narratives (including the first erotica Feuilleton text ever undertaken within Teignbridge District Council's boundary);
August 2012: exhibiting at TRAIL (Recycling Art In Landscape), Teignmouth and producing the longest Renga ever created at a recycling festival in Teignbridge (probably);
July, 2012: improvising 3 Word Prose Prose-Poems at the 'Voice Cafe'' event during Ways With Words festival, Dartington;
February 2012: my short-short story (A Tranquil Evening) featured on SoundArt radio - to listen, follow this link: http://www.mixcloud.com/soundartstories/soundart-stories-s3-ep3/
January 2012: my short-short story (song of the Season) selected for a 2011 international Short Story Anthology - follow the link: http://www.lulu.com/product/paperback/three-million-stories/18798139
Autumn 2011: exhibited at The Art of Smallness exhibition at Harbour Arts Gallery in Kingsbridge, exhibiting the smallest collagraph ever made, by anybody, in the world;
Summer 2011: in collaboration with musicians and writers from Paignton and the South Hams to generate improvised music and words;
Summer 2011: exhibited at and produced improvised short-short stories at TRAIL recycling festival, Teignmouth;
June 2011: improvising Gothic Prose Poems at the Epicentre, Paignton Open Mic event (in anticipation of TRAIL 2011);
June 2011: in partnership with Bryce Dumont and Robert Garnham producing innovative improvised texts (http://soundcloud.com/epicentrebookcafe/sets/epicentres-first-music-night/) and subsequently broadcast on Soundart Radio 102.5 FM);
January, 2011: exhibiting at the Ariel Gallery, Totnes - with the TRAIL collective – revisiting his Timelines exhibition held at TAAG Gallery, Teignmouth;
July, 2010: improvising 3 Word Prose Prose-Poems at the 'Off the Page' event during Ways With Words festivale, Dartington.
View my website http://teignmoutharts.org.uk/
My Location
Email: harbertonbob@gmail.com
Website: http://teignmoutharts.org.uk/
A Creative Weekend - with a difference... / Wed 30 Oct 2013
A rural writing retreat Fri 15 November – Sun 17 November 2013 A residential rural writing weekend in the heart of the unspoilt Gara Valley in s...
Watch this Place (2) / Sun 02 Jun 2013
17 August through 6 September in Teignmouth
Watch this Place / Thu 23 May 2013
Watch this space - and Trail2013.tumblr.com - for text-based TRAIL 2013 events this summer in Teignmouth...
Renga poetry came to Teignmouth - the results / Tue 18 Sep to Thu 18 Oct 2012 (1 month)
At the TRAIL 2012 festival in Teignmouth (August through to September), I asked members of the public to contribute to a Renga poem - a work to celebr...
telling tales: the persistence of memory / Sat 04 Aug to Fri 07 Sep 2012 (1 month)
telling tales: the persistence of memory (or what happens when Blue Peter meets Dada…) At the final TRAIL exhibition, Bob Hill is creating an art...
A dramatic surreal podcast: The Complete Caves of Devon / Sat 04 Aug to Fri 07 Sep 2012 (1 month)
The Complete Caves of Devon Developed with the assistance of Epicentre (www.epicentrebookcafe.org.uk), Bob Hill has produced a podcast with a dif...
My Videos
Harberton Barrow Market - summer 2011
The wheelbarrow market at Harberton was the result of a Transition Streets initiative.
An improvisation - June 2011 - involving Bryce Dumont, Robert Garnham and myself at Epecentre, Paignton
Improvised prose poem - part 1
My introduction to an improvised performance at Epicentre's Open Mike evening - June 2011. (Audience members were asked to select 3 words at random fr...
Improvised prose poem - Part 2
The reading of the (4) improvised prose poems at June 2011's Open Mike evening at Epicentre, Paignton