Hannah Silva / News / Thu 05 Aug 2010
Upcoming Performances

Breaking News.... I'm the South West poet for Apples & Snakes National tour, OCT-NOV. Catch me in Plymouth, Forked 18th Nov, B-bar. Barbican. http://www.applesandsnakes.org
19/09/2010:Turning Point Festival.
London: The Roundhouse, performance writing, with The London Word Festival. More info & to book:
27/10/2010: Performance Writing at BayLit Festival, Cardiff:
BayLit: Shock of the New returns this October to push even further the boundaries of literature in Cardiff Bay. As in 2008 the festival will focus on new and emerging writers as well as innovative and original writing styles, publications, technologies and performances. More info to follow, further details: For further details contact Academi on: 029 2047 2266 / post@academi.org
16/12/2010 Penned in the margins, performance/lecture
For the launch of a new critical anthology on contemporary poetry. The Whitechapel Gallery, London. More details t.b.a. http://www.pennedinthemargins.co.uk
01/04/2011: 7th international krikri festival
in Ghent-Belgium (see www.krikri.be) Independent Festival on Polypoetry.
For more information visit http://www.hannahsilva.co.uk/
News Location
Website: http://www.hannahsilva.co.uk/