In partnership with Hertfordshire Library Service, Hannah Pickett Dance is creating a dance that explores and expresses people’s experience of isolation, belonging and resilience, which will be performed at Hertford Library on Wednesday 6th October and Bishop's Stortford Library on Sunday 10th October.
To kick-start the project, Hannah Pickett is looking for experiences, solutions and stories from adults over 65 as source material for her new professional choreographic work. You are not required to dance. We need your inspiration! Your answers to our online questionnaire will be the starting point for the dance company of professional dancers to create the dance.
The online questionnaire will take a few minutes. You can be as detailed as you like. All answers will only be used for studio-based research and will not be shared publicly without permission.
We are particularly interested in hearing from adults over 65 years, who may have experienced loneliness either in their adult life or during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please feel free to forward this questionnaire to your friends and family.
The final performance will be presented in Hertford and Bishop’s Stortford Libraries in October. Follow Hannah Pickett Dance on social media or sign up to the mailing list to find out more details.
This project is funded and supported by National Lottery Arts Council England and East Herts District Council.
For more information visit https://forms.gle/91S4kyjpYd6YrpfC8
Opportunity Location
Hertford & Bishop's Stortford Libraries
Dolphin Yd, 10 Maidenhead St, Hertford
SG14 1DR
Telephone: 07856 104 224
Email: hello@hannahpickettdance.com
Website: https://forms.gle/91S4kyjpYd6YrpfC8