HANDS / News / Wed 08 Mar 2017
Creative Workshops at Hannah's at Seale-Hayne

Here is a list of the courses and workshops run by some of the resident artists at Hannah's at Seale-Hayne.
Sara Evans runs pottery classes run throughout the year but there might be a short waiting list. Her summer workshop dates have yet to be finalised. http://www.discoverhannahs.org/seale-hayne/arts/artists/saraevans/
Alison Meaker can run stained glass workshops on Sundays. This is her web page. http://www.discoverhannahs.org/seale-hayne/arts/artists/alisonmeaker/
Noni MacKenzie runs weaving classes. See her details on http://www.discoverhannahs.org/seale-hayne/arts/artists/nonimackenzie/
Suzy Fasht runs watercolour classes. See http://www.discoverhannahs.org/seale-hayne/arts/artists/suzyfasht/
Pete Reeves runs one-to-one jewellery classes. Contact him via http://www.discoverhannahs.org/seale-hayne/arts/artists/petereeves/
Gavin Blench runs life drawing classes on Monday evenings. Contact him through http://www.discoverhannahs.org/seale-hayne/arts/artists/gavinblench/
Sara Gilbert has left Hannah's but she will be starting up her printmaking workshops in her new studio (Red Pod Studios near Bittaford/Ivybridge) in April. Contact Sara on sara@artgilbert.co.uk
For more information visit http://www.discoverhannahs.org/seale-hayne/arts/
News Location
Hannah's at Seale-Hayne
Howton Lane,
Newton Abbot,
TQ12 6NQ