Herts Archives & Local Studies / Events / Wed 16 Jun 2021
Hertfordshire Community Archive & Heritage Conference

Join us for a half day conference for all those working or volunteering in community heritage.
Hear from project director Andrew Lambourne on raising a million in 3 years and Learning & Access Officer Marion Hill on steering a community heritage project through the pandemic.
There’ll be an update on the East of England’s Regional Archive Council’s new project to provide a ‘one stop shop’ for local history groups and project teams seeking advice and support.
You’ll also have a choice of workshops: Caring for photographic collections or Using images online.
The event is on the 16th June and it will be an online live streamed course. Booking will be required and tickets cost £10.
The event starts at 10am and will be 3 hours long. There are 50 spaces available.
For more information visit https://www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/services/libraries-and-archives/hertfordshire-archives-and-local-studies/events/events/206cb505-6ed3-4590-8d8a-b13860d40c19