Grow Cheshunt / News / Thu 07 Jan 2021
Grow Cheshunt & Wyld Edges Community Visioning workshop

What is your vision for Grow Cheshunt allotment?
We invite you to join us and share your ideas for what the future of Grow Cheshunt allotment looks like to you. What activities would you like to do? What would you like to grow? What would you like to be part of or see included as part of the allotment?
We will be using the creative process of visioning to capture ideas and imagination, helping to inspire and motivate you into looking at the bigger picture for the Grow Cheshunt allotment and community.
This is a free online workshop co-facilitated by Wyld Edges and Grow Cheshunt. The workshop is open to anyone in the Cheshunt or the surrounding communities. Old and new members of Grow Cheshunt are welcome to this event.
We will be using the online platform Zoom to deliver this event. To access the link and book your place please email wyldedges@posteo.net.
This is a free, 2 hour, online workshop.
For more information visit http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/visioning-workshop-ticket
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Online Zoom
Email: wyldedges@posteo.net
Website: http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/visioning-workshop-ticket