green*fusions promotes traditional crafts with the addition of an eco-twist. Passionate about helping to protect the environment; and believe that as craftspeople there is a lot we can do to ensure our craft work has limited impact on the environment we greatly believe that creating hand crafted products should be greatly enjoyable, resulting in items which we will treasure for years and won’t become just another throw away item.
Greenfusions has grown from a life time interest in craft, in a wide range of materials although predominantly textiles. Initially, and alongside a full time teaching career (design and craft, of course!) we promoted our work through local craft fairs, however it seemed the natural progression to develop greenfusions as a full time business. In 2012 we developed the loft space at Standedge Tunnel and Visitor Centre and since have opened our studio spaces to other talented local designer makers and artists, now a group of seven full time residents at the loft space. We have created a wonderfully inspiring and creative environment providing space to work, shop, socialise, and learn and most of all ‘space to create’ and be part of our creative community.
The enjoyment and therapeutic advantages to be gained by making and creating should never be underestimated, through our personal tuition, workshops, courses and eco craft kits we hope to encourage adults and children alike to learn or extend their creative skills. All our tuition services and kits are available from our shop at the loft space, our on line shop, Standedge Craft Markets which we run and other craft events occasionally attended.
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Telephone: 07918 682 878
The Loft Space Open Studio Sundays / Sun 15 Feb to Sun 13 Dec 2015 (10 months)
Open studio Sundays..... An opportunity to come along and meet the loft space residents, watch artists and craft people at work and discover opportuni...
Craft and Chat @ The Loft Space / Thu 12 Feb to Sat 12 Dec 2015 (10 months)
Craft & Chat at The Loft Space Every Thursday between 10.30am-4pm Drop in to suit yourself stay all day or just for an hour. The loft space provi...
Standedge Art and Craft Markets / Sat 09 May to Sun 06 Dec 2015 (7 months)
2015 Art & Craft Events Our Standedge Art and Craft Events aim to bring together a wide and wonderful range of unique and high calibre art and han...