Green Man Quilts / Events / Tue 15 Sep to Thu 10 Dec 2015 (3 months)
Introduction to Machine Patchwork - AutumnTerm 2015

Suitable for complete beginners and those with some experience.
A range of techniques will be covered including
• rotary cutting,
• getting the best from your sewing machine,
• making colour choices,
• machine piecing,
• hand and machine quilting
• basic construction methods.
We will be making a quilt with a Folded 3D Mariner’s Compass centre with a Drunkard’s Path border and a crazy patchwork border. You can adjust the size of quilt you make by adjusting the number of borders you use.
For more information visit http://us5.campaign-archive1.com/?u=57e04fdfd085d618188461849&id=9358e30835
Event Location
Green Man Quilts
5 Stamford Rd
WD17 4QS
Telephone: 07714 311 029
Email: quiltsheena@gmail.com
Website: http://us5.campaign-archive1.com/?u=57e04fdfd085d618188461849&id=9358e30835