Great Western Roots / Events / Sun 18 May 2014

Chris Paradox, the self-confessed, One-legged Existentialist Stand-up Beat-poet and Inspiration Engineer, has often used his crazy up-and-down life story as the the raw material for his stage shows. Along the way he's also managed to gain some wisdom and insight into the process of creativity and discovered that a lot of people feel that the stresses and commitments of their daily life snuffs out whatever creative spark they generate. In this workshop Chris passes on a series of techniques. processes and everyday practices which will allow you to "hack your brain" to the next level.
Would you like increase your Creativity?
Your Problem Solving Ability?
Your Mental Clarity, Flexibilty & Endurance?
Your Influence, Charisma & Leadership?
Are you looking to Accelerate your Personal & Professional Development?
If so, the Hack Your Brain Upgrade Workshop is for you.
The human brain is the most complex organism in the known Universe and everything that happens in our consciousness has a measurable physical correlate in the brain. Thanks to the latest findings in Neuroscience and Neurocardiology there are proven, tried and tested methods of physically Upgrading Your Brain in terms of
structure i.e. increasing the number of neurons and the number of synaptic connections....and biochemistry i.e. regulating the Amygdala via growing the Hypocampus and re activating the Pineal Gland.
In this workshop, you will learn 8 down-to-earth everyday practices or "Brain Hacks" based on these 3 methods that will Upgrade your Brain and thus accelerate your personal & professional development.
So whether you want to get a better paying job, find a new career, start your own business or fulfill your dreams of becoming an artist, The Hack Your Brain Upgrade will help you to get where you want to go...fast!
Click here's to see what previous participants have to say about The Hack Your Brain Upgrade: http://youtu.be/x74TUv4ZTyA
Places are limited, so reserve your place by booking today.
ALL-DAY WORKSHOP 10.00am -6.00pm
COST £50.00
Tickets can be bought on-line at the Eventbrite web site below.
For more information visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-hack-your-brain-upgrade-tickets-11010293083/
Event Location
Unit 7
Beacon Quay
Telephone: 01803 295 959
Email: chris@inspiration-engineer.org
Website: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-hack-your-brain-upgrade-tickets-11010293083/