Grand Northern Ukulele Festival / News / Mon 05 Jun 2017
Queens Award for Voluntary Service given to GNUF!

As a volunteer-run, non-profit ukulele festival, we are overjoyed to announce that we have been honoured with the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, the highest award a voluntary group can receive in the UK.
We believe it is essential to create, support and promote events that truly do represent the height of ambition, talent and skill. We do this by bringing the best performers from around the UK and the world to our festival. We create opportunities for festival-goers, members of the local community and the artists themselves to meet, share ideas and experience the stories of one another.
In the past five years, we have been able to support 353 Artists. 1700 people have participated in our festival and related activities. 4100 people have attended our events as audience members and our extended audience (through broadcast, online, and in writing) is 8700 and growing.
GNUF is one of a number of charities, social enterprises and voluntary groups to receive the prestigious award this year.
We were told that, “the work your group does for the community was very much admired by the independent Assessment Committee, chaired by Sir Martyn Lewis CBE”.
The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service is the highest award given to volunteer groups across the UK to recognise outstanding work in their communities. The Department of Culture, who select the recipients for the award, added: “The award of The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service 2017 represents a tremendous achievement for your organisation. We hope that everyone involved, and particularly your volunteers, feel immensely proud of the recognition that this Award represents.”
For more information visit http://northernuke.com/queens-award-voluntary-service/