Graham Gilbert / Events / Mon 07 to Sat 12 May 2012 (6 days)
Exhibition at Birdwood House, Totnes

At very short notice, two days in fact, I've been invited to join Susan Ash in an exhibiton at Birdwood House, High Street, Totnes. What a lovely opportunity! Normally there is a very long waiting list for the space at Birdwood House but due to an exhibition being cancelled Susan and I were asked if we'd like to fill the breach.
So you can see my "Avon Reflections" series of photographs plus quite a few others. There are also unframed prints and greetings cards for sale.
Susan has her Wistman's Wood paintings and photographs on show so the whole exhibition reflects, pun intended for those who know my work, the natural world.
Unusually, as we often exhibit together, my wife, Sara, is not exhibiting with us as she's participating in the Six Days of Art event at Seale-Hayne. Do go and see her printmaking and paintings at this wonderful location. It's on the A383 for those of you who don't know where it is.
Hope you can come along to both events!
For more information visit http://www.artgilbert.co.uk/
Event Location
Website: http://www.artgilbert.co.uk/