GRAHAM BURCHELL / Events / Sat 06 Oct 2012
Poetry Book Launch - Graham Burchell's 'The Chongololo Club'

First launched in London in the summer, the south west launch of 'The Chongololol Club' by Graham Burchell, ,will take place at Exeter Central Library at 2pm.
These poems focus on the poet's time living and teaching in Zambia in 1980/81. They visit the everyday and that which seemed so alien, and sometimes shocking.
The Chongololo Club is a compelling recreation of the poet’s time in Zambia in the early 1980’s; a series of vivid snapshots that captures the people, the wildlife, the politics with colours ‘brash enough’ for this ‘dark continent’ as we slide down it alongside him – ‘glass in hand, whisky gone, just a melting ice-cube cold’ against our teeth.
Jo Hemmant (Editor, Pindrop Press)
‘These poems have the virtues of close observation and personal engagement in their accounts of living and teaching in Africa. Flora, fauna, people, loneliness, culture-shock, compassion and humour all contribute to making this collection haunting and coherent. The poet sustains triumphantly the demands of his particular subject material.’
- Penelope Shuttle
‘Graham Burchell’s ‘The Chongololo Club’ is a wonderful book. Full of the sights and sounds of Africa he clearly loved, he is not blind to its occasional horror; nevertheless he convinces us of its beauties through his careful observation, his ear for its many languages and his eye for telling detail. His style of writing serves his subject matter, but he is not afraid of demanding forms such as the pantoum. If you want your poetry to be pleasurable, you will enjoy this book.’
- Ian Duhig
For more information visit http://exeterpoetryfestival.wordpress.com/
Event Location
Exeter Central Library
Telephone: 01626 867 382
Email: authorburch@yahoo.com
Website: http://exeterpoetryfestival.wordpress.com/