GRAHAM BURCHELL / Events / Sun 31 May to Sun 23 Aug 2009 (3 months)
Moor Poets Summer Workshops

Here is our exciting programme of day workshops for Spring & Summer 09
To book a place on any of the following workshops contact Jennie Osborne
via email: jenniedancing@googlemail.com or telephone 01803 840541
The price of a full-day workshop is £10-25 and £5-15 for our afternoon workshops
(Please note: In order to be fair to people on the waiting list for workshop places, everyone who has booked on one of our workshops needs to give a minimum of 24 hours notice of cancellation, or they will be charged the full fee for non-attendance.)
Subject – The Sound of Poetry
Led by – Victoria Field
Date – Sunday, May 31st
Time – 10am to 4pm
Venue – Café Liason, Tavistock
'All art aspires to the condition of music' wrote Walter Pater, controversially.
This exploratory poetry workshop will take music as the theme of the day. Victoria Field is a trained poetry therapist and will introduce ways of using the material of your own life to create new poems that may have the emotional impact of music. We will listen, read, respond and most importantly, write.
Subject – Familiar & Unfamiliar
Led by – Miriam Darlington
Date – Sunday, June 14th
Time – 10am to 4pm
Venue – Buckland-in-the-Moor Village Hall
This one-day workshop will explore the metaphor and myth of all things organic. Using visual cues, poetry and prose on plant life and wild creatures as a starting point, we will go beneath the surface of what the organic world around us offers, in terms of inspiration and meaning. Be prepared to look through a magnifying glass, and come away amazed and inspired.
Subject – Sculpture & Poetry with found objects by the river
Led by – Caroline Wilson
Date – Saturday, June 27th
Time – 10am to 4pm
Venue – New Bridge , meet in the car park
Play and Creativity - build a sculpture with sticks and stones and found things, and write about it, under the trees beside the river. If it is wet, we can adjourn to a yurt. Dress for the weather, bring your lunch, and meet at New Bridge Car Park at 10am sharp.
Subject – Beyond Words – writing poetry that responds to visual art
Led by – Graham Burchell
Date – Sunday, August 23rd
Time – 10am to 4pm
Venue – Buckland-in-the-Moor Village Hall
Ekphrasis is "the distilling into words of a visual representation" according to poet and lecturer, Tim Liardet. Through the consideration of a variety of ekphrastic poems and visual images, the aim of this workshop will be to seek out the key elements that enable us to write our own meaningful stand alone ekphrastic poems.
For more information visit http://www.gburchell.com/
Event Location
Website: http://www.gburchell.com/