You are cordially invited to our Steampunk Ball
Featuring premier Steampunk band GHOSTFIRE
Steampunk DJ
Steampowered Visuals
Free Steampunk photo booth
Late night entry to Gadgets and Goggles Exhibition
Fully licenced Bar
Dress for an imagined age!
All Ages Show (under 14's Free but must be accompanied by an adult)
Only £10 from The Museum of St Albans or call 01727 819340 to book.
At The Museum of St Albans, Hatfield Road, St Albans AL1 3RR
8pm - 11.30pm
Ghostfire - “Ghostfire create a musical world where retro-historical atmospherics, steampunk sensibilities and dark humour abound.”
“Steampunks love pirates, aerial or nautical, so Skeleton Coast’s collection of shanties and piratical melodies should please one and all.”
“Atmospheric and enjoyable music, best taken with a glass of rum and listened to during autumn nights as fog creeps in from the sea.”
A St Albans MusicCity Special Event - www.enjoystalbans.com/musiccity
For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/events/215650678642044/
Event Location
The Museum of St Albans
Hatfield Road
St Albans
Telephone: 01727 819 340
Website: https://www.facebook.com/events/215650678642044/