gloss - Art Exeter / Events / Sat 16 Feb to Sun 03 Mar 2013 (2 weeks)
Art You Grew Up With

A collection of original and limited edition pieces from your most loved animations. This exhibition is the first of its kind to be held at gloss – Art Gallery Exeter, and will explore how the animation process has developed from the drawing board to computer screen. Original Disney drawings, limited edition prints and books will be available for your perusal, so take a trip down memory lane and lose yourself in this enchanting and playful exhibition.
For more information visit http://www.glossgallery.co.uk/animated-exeter-art-you-grew-up-with-10039/
Event Location
Gloss Gallery
1 Barnfield Cresent,
Telephone: 01392 278 522
Email: art@glossgallery.co.uk
Website: http://www.glossgallery.co.uk/animated-exeter-art-you-grew-up-with-10039/