Globe Arts Studio / Opportunities / Thu 12 May 2022
Green fingered Globee Volunteers needed!

We are looking for 1 or 2 green fingered volunteers to help us keep our small Garden Gallery, and the building, looking fresh!
Jobs would include;
Maintaining the garden gallery, cutback any overgrown herbs etc
Removing any rubbish (especially from the bushes- we find lots of beer bottles in there)
Getting rid of weeds around the building, especially under shop fronts/ doorways
Sweeping the walkways around our studio entrances
We expect that this will take no longer than four hours a month to keep up to- even less in the winter months. We will feed you plenty of biscuits and water you with as much tea or coffee as you would like! Plus a 10% discount on our Art Materials in store!!
So if you'd like to volunteer as a one off or on a monthly basis and become our first member of the "Green Fingered Globee" group send us a message I'll pop into the studio!
Opportunity Location
Globe Arts Studio
Carr Lane
Telephone: 01484 842 887
Email: z.gale@globearts.org.uk