Globe Arts Studio / Events / Mon 01 to Thu 18 Aug 2022 (3 weeks)
School's Out HAF Food & Art sessions

These sessions are open to 8-12 years, SEND children, and the 2 Monday sessions are for families to join in too :)
Only book the FREE places if your child receives FREE SCHOOL MEALS!
Please book a PAID place if you do not receive FSMs.
The 20 free places available each day are funded by Kirklees Council, and we will be passing on all data for FSM places to them.
Our afternoon sessions run 1-5pm, Monday to Thursday, a hot meal will be provided for every child at the start of the 4 hour session.
The theme this year is FOOD from around the WORLD. We will be looking at artists who have used food to inspire their art!
For more information visit https://www.globearts.org.uk/schools-out-haf-kids-activity
Event Location
Globe Arts Studio
Create Space
New Street
Telephone: 01484 842 887
Email: info@globearts.org.uk
Website: https://www.globearts.org.uk/schools-out-haf-kids-activity