Globe Arts Studio / Events / Thu 28 Apr to Thu 26 May 2022 (1 month)
Non Tutored Life Class - Thursday Afternoon

This course in non-tutored, there will be a list of poses and times for yourself and the model to follow, comprising of a few short warm up poses, and a couple of longer poses, plus time for refreshments half way through the session.
Basic materials such as paper, charcoal and graphite are supplied, if you wish to use paint or pastels etc, feel free to bring your own along to the sessions.
5 week course, £15 per ticket, per session
For more information visit https://bookwhen.com/globeartseducation/e/ev-skdv-20220428130000
Event Location
Globe Arts Studio
Create Space,
New Street,
Telephone: 01484 842 887
Email: info@globearts.org.uk
Website: https://bookwhen.com/globeartseducation/e/ev-skdv-20220428130000