Globe Arts Studio / Events / Thu 28 Oct to Sat 18 Dec 2021 (2 months)
Land Marks - Exhibition by Diana Terry

This Autumn we are proud to exhibit Land Marks, by the very accomplished Diana Terry.
A private viewing will be held on the 28th October for family, close friends, and Friends of Globe, and open to the public from the 29th onwards, viewing during regular studio hours - Monday to Thursday, and Saturdays 10am to 3pm.
Diana Terry wants to share the joy of her art with others. And with it the awe and wonder of the natural world – the landscape and environment that surrounds us, often not seen or appreciated in everyday life. Her inclusivity is infectious as we admire her perception of surface and texture, her sense of touch only heightened by her own life experience with deafness and vertigo. Her very positive take on overcoming this adversity is seen through the layers of meaning built into each work of art; each varied environment captured on canvas creates a new take on the genre of landscape.
Landmarks is a new project inspired by local quarries and mines in West Yorkshire, drawing on stories of when these sites were part of primary industry created during the industrial revolution. Comparing the physical scars on the natural landscape with their current rewilded state. It is this rewilding of quarries that fascinates Terry as she is keen to stimulate conversations on how ‘where you live gets under your skin’, leading to a greater understanding of who we are and contributing to climate change debate; as some of these rewilded areas are once again under threat from further development.
Following two years of research, production and collaboration using painting, printmaking and sculpture Terry has created a body of work for a touring exhibition; demonstrating that returning to craft processes and the rhythms of making can achieve a greater understanding of place and process.
Terry is keen to engage with people from the local area and specifically her fellow deaf community; BSL and other interpretations will be available during the touring exhibition to: Globe Arts Studio, The Civic, Gallery Oldham & Crossley Gallery Dean Clough.
Meet the Artist Talk and Workshop - Saturday 4th December 2 -4 pm
For more information visit https://www.globearts.org.uk/events-2/25mppjyajyd44n33ueuh4090jk2i50
Event Location
Globe Arts Studio
Carr Lane
Telephone: 01484 842 887
Email: info@globearts.org.uk
Website: https://www.globearts.org.uk/events-2/25mppjyajyd44n33ueuh4090jk2i50