Globe Arts Studio / Events / Mon 07 Nov to Mon 12 Dec 2022 (1 month)
Globe’s Art Club

Join us for these laid back drawing and painting club sessions, overseen by Chris- our new teacher in training, from Huddersfield University.
These are going to run 12.30-2.30PM, on a weekly basis, starting from the November term. Click the buttons below to book your place each week. You can do 1, 2 or all 6 sessions, they are all stand alone sessions, so you can pick and choose which you’d like to attend.
This club is open to everyone;
It is free for clients who attend Jackie's Mon AM D&P class.
It is free for anyone with a current Friends Of Globe membership
It is £5 to anyone else who would like to join for the 2 hour session.
During each session, Chris will demonstrate a new drawing or painting technique. This is a chance for you to work on your skills outside of class, you can follow Chris's lead, or you can work on your own project- this is simply an Art Club to allow the community to use our studio and get creative!
For more information visit https://www.globearts.org.uk/events/art-club-for-friends
Event Location
Globe Arts Studio
Carr Lane
Telephone: 01484 842 887
Email: info@globearts.org.uk
Website: https://www.globearts.org.uk/events/art-club-for-friends