Get Creative with Traci / News / Tue 16 Apr 2013
A Crafty Lot Craft Group already expanding!

Wow, I am so happy to report that after just one Craft Group session we have already needed to find a bigger venue!
Those that attended the first one enjoyed it so much they shared their creations with their friends and family and hey presto we have more people coming to this months group.
April's Group is on Saturday 20th April you will find more details on my events page and May's is on Saturday 25th May.
I do take all bookings and payment in advance as I make up all the kits before hand.
If you would like to know more about the group and the projects we make then please do get in touch on:- 01803 523796 or via email at:- getcreativewithtraci@gmail.com
For more information visit http://getcreativewithtraci.blogspot.co.uk/p/classesevents.html