Gail Jackson / Opportunities / Wed 29 Jul 2015
Proposals invited for Creative Event Sustainable St Albans Week

Community artists living or working in Hertfordshire are invited to submit proposals to run a Creative Community Collaboration Event as part of Sustainable St Albans week.
Sustainable St Albans Week 21-28 November 2015 invites groups across the District to plan and run an event related to environmental sustainability with the aim of raising awareness and engagement about building a sustainable future for St Albans District.
The week has been chosen as it is in the run-up to the Global Climate Change conference in Paris. It is organised by Transition St Albans with Friends of the Earth and the support of St Albans District Council.
Brief: We are looking for an innovative proposal that (i) brings energy, colour and fun to Sustainable St Albans Week – and (ii) will help to raise awareness about environmental sustainability in the District.
The project could be any art form using any medium. We are open to a project that could include sculpture, art, conversation, mixed media events, music, film, crafts, story telling, or other media.
The proposal will focus on at least one of the following themes of environmental sustainability: please see website here for more information on themes.
The project will work with at least 100 children and/or adults who will represent a cross-section of the St Albans District community including people from a range of ethnic backgrounds.
The project will be of high quality and of professional standards.
There is a fixed sum of £1,800 for the event to cover artists, materials, venues and any additional costs. Payment will be made at the completion of the project.
Please see www.sustainablestalbans.wordpress.com for Full Brief and Information on How To Apply
For more information visit http://www.sustainablestalbans.wordpress.com/