fruition / News / Mon 16 May 2011
Q & A with Jo Willcocks

Fruition Creative Services is a successful multidisciplinary design studio based in Torquay. They recently moved to a bigger office, overlooking the bay, by the harbour. They welcomed Jo Willcocks to the team as a Director earlier this year.
What do you do at Fruition?
Interiors; whether it’s commercial, restoration, houses, or big & small developments.
I’m happy to be by the sea and be in a team, interacting with likeminded people, which can only enhance the creativity. Together Fruition presents a very strong offer.
How did you start?
I suppose it’s always been inside of me. My grandmother ran her own design business after the war in Belgium, it was called, La Masion Heyse, (meaning, The House of Heyse). Also, my mother was an artist. She always encouraged us [Jo’s siblings and her] to look around the environment. This instilled within us a sense of how proportion, colour and the world around you affect your wellbeing.
What are you working on at the moment?
A large house development on Thatcher Avenue. It is expected to be one of the most prestigious houses in the bay and my role is to help the owner achieve that.
A major refurbishment of the public rooms and premier bedrooms at The Deer Park Hotel has just been completed and I am now working on developing their conference and function facilities to include weddings / sports events / conferences / and al fresco dining. To make this work I will be presenting traditional design, with cleverly incorporated modern functionality.
What is special about being a designer in Torbay?
Looking at the sea! Torquay is lively and forward thinking. There are lots of opportunities – if you just look for them. People are very open to new ideas and excited to see what you have to offer. I’ve recently joined the Designed in Devon: Torbay Chapter, and we’re meeting at Fruition on 5 May. You realize how many creative people have chosen to base themselves here when we meet up.
What advice would you give to any budding designers in Devon?
Draw inspiration from what’s around you – we live in one of the most beautiful parts of the world. Show that you have initiative spark, thirst and ambition.
Make sure you can sell yourself. You’re greatest asset when you are at the beginning of your career is your drive and enthusiasm.
In the working world – you should see everything as an opportunity, and good things will cross your path.