Frogmore Paper Mill / Events / Sun 30 Nov 2014
Frogmore Mill Christmas Fair 2014!

It’ll soon be that festive time of year, which means that Frogmore Mill is having its annual Christmas Fair! Join us on the 30th of November from 11am to 4pm for a fantastic family day out at only £1 for adults and 50p for children. We’ll have a variety of craft stalls, including: jewellery, hand printed items, textile gifts, Christmas cards, candles and more. As well as operating our usual guided tours and café, we’ll also be hosting a barbecue and running boat trips in our canal boat, the Bryan Donkin. (subject to weather)
Would you like to host a stall at our fair?
If you’d like to run a stall this year, it’ll cost £18 for one table or £30 for two. To book, please email Maureen Charlton on MaureenCharlton@thepapertrail.org.uk, or call us on 01442 234600.
For more information visit http://frogmoremill.com/christmas-fair-2014/
Event Location
Frogmore Mill
Fourdrinier Way
Apsley, Hemel Hempstead
Telephone: 01442 234 600
Email: postbox@thepapertrail.org.uk
Website: http://frogmoremill.com/christmas-fair-2014/