Friends of Greenhead Park / Events / Sat 02 Nov 2019
Poetry in the Park - autumn session

Poets and poetry lovers are warmly welcomed to a free Poetry in the Park readaround in the Greenhead Park pavilion by the bowling greens on Saturday 2 November, 1pm to 3pm. This friendly session is open to all - just bring along two or three poems you'd like to read, your own or by someone else. They can be on any theme, but seasonal poems are always welcome.
Tea/coffee & biscuits are provided at the event and there is also an accessible cafe nearby.
This free event has been organised by the Friends of Greenhead Park and the Albert Poets - contact John Duffy on 01484 534750 for more details
Event Location
Greenhead Park Pavilion
Greenhead Park, Trinity Street, Huddersfield HD1 4HS