Friends of Greenhead Park / Events / Sun 16 Jun 2019
Music on the Bandstand

Enjoy a double helping of music in the great outdoors, with two concerts on the Greenhead Park bandstand on Sunday 16 June, organised by the Friends of Greenhead Park.
First up at 12noon, we are delighted to welcome the Putney & Wimbledon Brass Band all the way from South London, who are visiting the park as part of a tour of Yorkshire. Then at 2pm Musica Colne Valley Big Band will be up on the bandstand to get your feet tapping, followed by the excellent Musica Youth Strings. It’s the perfect occasion to bring a picnic, or grab some refreshments at the nearby cafe or kiosk. As usual there’ll be some seating available or bring your own folding chairs or rugs. Free – collection for the Friends of Greenhead Park to help cover costs.