Friends of Greenhead Park / Events / Wed 19 Jun 2019
Marriage Lines - a play by Curtain Up Players

The Friends of Greenhead Park are pleased to present a free lunchtime performance of Marriage Lines by Curtain Up Players in the Greenhead Park Community Room (in the cafe building by the tennis courts). The play takes a humorous look at the ups and downs of married life - with everyone realising in the end how fortunate they are! The performance starts at 12.30pm and runs for about an hour.
Curtain Up Players are a well established amateur theatre group for the over 50s who create their own plays and perform them in community settings.
The venue is accessible and refreshments are available at the cafe next door. All welcome - no need to book.
Event Location
Greenhead Park Community Room
Greenhead Park, Huddersfield HD1 4HS