Friends of Greenhead Park / Events / Sat 21 Jan 2017
Art in the Arbour project

The Friends of Greenhead Park need creative volunteers to help develop a project to brighten up the park's lakeside arbour which has been a target for graffiti over the past year. Ideally we would like to get young people involved and we are open to any suggestions - and offers of help! If you'd like to join the Art in the Arbour project group, please come along to a meeting on Saturday 21 January at 2pm in the Pavilion by the bowling greens. If you can't make it to the meeting but would like to be involved in any way, please get in touch by e-mailing or call in for a chat at one of our Wednesday afternoon drop-in sessions (1.30pm - 2.30pm in the Pavilion).
Event Location
Greenhead Park Pavilion (by the bowling greens)
Greenhead Park