Friends of Greenhead Park / Events / Sun 22 Sep 2019
A walk in the park with Thomas Denham!

Greenhead Park opened in 1884 but Alderman Thomas Denham had come up with his vision for it way back in 1869. On the 150th anniversary of a letter to the Huddersfield Examiner spelling this out, ‘Thomas’ returns to tell us about his plans in person. Park historian David Griffiths will also be on hand to explain how far Thomas' ideas are reflected in the Park as it is today.
The walk starts at 2.30pm from the Trinity Street gates by the Park Lodge. There's no charge but booking - via the Visitor Information Point at Huddersfield Library - is essential as places are limited. This event is part of the national Heritage Open Days programme which runs from 13 to 22 September - you'll find full details at