We started our club at Ye Olde Smokey House, Marldon, Paignton, hoping that it would interest people who enjoy sharing music that comes from and moves on from the folk and singer/songwriter traditions.
The club meets on the second Thursday of each month from 7.30pm - 10.45pm and attendances have grown steadily since its first session in October 2015. We are keen to welcome and encourage undiscovered and inexperienced performers, on an equal basis with more experienced musicians. It's great that people are commenting on the friendliness of the club and coming from far and wide to enjoy our evenings.
Chris and I have been performing as ‘Folk Inspired’, mainly in the Torbay area, since 2008 and have often been asked by friends and contacts to try to get a club going in the Paignton area. We aim to use it to promote awareness and enjoyment of folk and acoustic music in general, while drawing members' attention to the other clubs and musical events in the locality.
So far so good! There have been too many special moments involving the achievements of "novice" performers to mention - enough to say they keep coming back for more. Also we have been honoured to welcome and enjoy the performances of those from further afield, bringing their own different styles and love of music.
Club evenings start at 7.30pm. £2 for performers, £3 audience. PA available.
We have a facebook page, "Folk Plus Acoustic Music Club Paignton", or email us on p.woodhouse47@sky.com to find out more.
Event Location
Ye Olde Smokey House
Marldon, Paignton, TQ3 1NN
Telephone: 01803 550 153
Email: p.woodhouse47@sky.com