Fishing for Compliments / News / Tue 28 Apr 2020
Fishing For Compliments first album out now

After sharing our songs with an array of wonderful audiences for close to 10 years we are proud to present our first ever album of 11 of our catchy, uplifting, heartfelt songs. Our album is called 'Off the Isle of Somewhere' and has been wonderfully produced, mixed and mastered by Joseph and David Dunwell. We sincerely hope that there will be people out there that will find some enjoyment from our music during these difficult times. For now the album is available to stream, download and purchase via Bandcamp but we do hope to make it available across a variety of platforms in the near future. Take care-stay safe-and thank you.
For more information visit https://fishing4compliments.bandcamp.com/album/off-the-isle-of-somewhere