Fettle Animation / News / Tue 21 Oct 2014
Children of the Holocaust nominated for a BAFTA!

We've been nominated for a Children's BAFTA - hooray!
Much needed endorsement for a year of working very hard, by a fabulous team of people.
We made 6 animations with elderly survivors of the Holocaust in World War 2, to help children studying about the Holocaust at school to understand some of what it must have been like.
We have been delighted with the responses to our work.
This puts a big juicy cherry on top of the cake of a very exciting year!
We're off to a big ceremony in London - posh frocks at the ready!
If you haven't seen it yet, do check it out.
Clips are online and you can download the complete programme on I-Player
For more information visit http://www.fettleanimation.com/
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Website: http://www.fettleanimation.com/