Exhibitions @ the LBT / Opportunities / Sun 10 Jul 2016
Show YOUR artwork as part of the LBT's Summer Exhibition

Summer is a time to appreciate the brilliance and diversity of the world around us... and at the Lawrence Batley Theatre this seems like the perfect opportunity to enjoy the creativity of visual artists living or working across Kirklees.
For YOUR chance to take part please complete the online form by clicking the website link.
As this is an "Open" exhibition, that means everyone can take part and you will be able to offer 3 pieces for selection. From the work available from yourself, and all other artists we hope to select at least one piece per artist, but possibly all 3.
Work will be selected by:
* Barbara Hellowell - Artist in Residence at the LBT
* Mark Milnes - Artistic Director of Creative Arts Hub in Mirfield
* Murray Forrest - Exhibitions Co-ordinator at the LBT
To be involved.
You MUST complete the online form, if details are not provided your work will not be entered for selection.
All 3 pieces will need to be delivered to the Lawrence Batley Theatre by 8pm on Sunday 10th July, clearly marked with your name, e-mail address and a phone number.
By 6pm Thursday 14th July you will have received an e-mail advising which piece or pieces will be included in the exhibition.
On Friday 15th July the exhibition will be installed, and will run throughout the Summer until Saturday 3rd September.
For more information visit http://thelbt.org/enter-our-summer-exhibition-2016
Opportunity Location
Lawrence Batley Theatre
Queen's Square
Queen Street
Email: exhibitions@thelbt.org
Website: http://thelbt.org/enter-our-summer-exhibition-2016