Example Artists / Events / Sat 02 to Fri 22 Aug 2014 (3 weeks)
Townscape Art Trail Guided Walks

We are thrilled to announce that Simon Kerr, East Grinstead’s well loved Tourism Officer will be offering a series of free art tours throughout the summer. No need to book-all you have to do is show up at the right time and place, wearing some comfortable walking shoes!
Simon will take in highlights of the Townscape trail, from Andy Webb’s sculptures in the Railway quarter to Junction’s ever-changing lighting piece in a High Street cafe.
The tours come with a discount on tickets for The Bluebell Railway on that day-whether you arrive or depart at East Grinstead. But you don't have to be a passenger to participate!
All tours start promptly at 11.45am at The Bluebell Railway, East Grinstead.
Tour dates are as follows:
Saturday 2nd August
Friday 8th August
Saturday 16th August
Friday 22nd August
We look forward to seeing you there!
For more information visit http://www.exampleart.co.uk/
Event Location
Website: http://www.exampleart.co.uk/