EvoKe / Opportunities / Mon 08 Feb 2021
Micro Commissions for Artists and Cultural Organisations

IVE have repurposed some of their funding to invest in the cultural sector during this third lockdown. IVE will support individual artists and small arts and cultural organisations, who historically work with formal education settings. IVE's aim is to help you adapt your practice so you can offer innovative creative activities and experiences to schools. IVE's focus is on digital, remote or blended approaches to one of the following,
- Creative strategies and experiences that focus on the emotional health and well-being of pupils
- Approaches that enable children and young people to experience arts and culture in the classroom or home learning
- Creative learning opportunities that support curriculum delivery in non-arts subjects
What is the fund for?
In the Bridge England Network schools survey in 2020 school leaders and teachers told them that mental health and well-being, strengthening engagement and learning and bridging the learning gap were the most important learning needs during the Covid-19 disruptions.
The micro commission aims to give you space to research and develop your artistic/creative practice in response to these needs and create innovative products or services that you can offer to schools through remote, digital or blended activities. IVE are looking for imaginative and innovative ideas that offer meaningful engagement and interaction with arts and culture.
Here’s the criteria.
- Sign up and attend one or more of IVE's free* workshops on emotional health and well-being or digital practice listed on our events page here
- Open to creative practitioners or small arts and cultural organisations not in receipt of core funding. Arts Council National Portfolio Organisations are not eligible.
- You’ll need a track record of work with education settings between Jan 2018 and Jan 2021.
- Applicants must live and work in Yorkshire and the Humber.
- All projects and ideas must adhere to social distancing rules, government protection policy, and schools’ Health and Safety policy.
*A refundable deposit is charged for our workshops, which is returned to you if you attend.
What’s on offer?
£800. Paid in two instalments. You can use the funding to support your own time and/or staff costs, pay for mentoring from experts in the field, materials and/or resources.
We encourage you to test out your new ideas with a school and get some feedback. We’ll do our best to help you find a school/class to do this (dependent on Covid-19 limitations).
To release your second and final payment we ask you to complete a short online form on your experience, and send us a description of your new product or service to schools.
For more information visit https://weareive.org/vacancy/micro-commissions-for-artists/
Opportunity Location
The Half Roundhouse
Roundhouse Business Park, Graingers Way, Leeds
LS12 1AH
Telephone: 0113 322 3050
Email: hello@weareive.org
Website: https://weareive.org/vacancy/micro-commissions-for-artists/