EvoKe is the Cultural and Educational Partnership, providing opportunities for children and young people to benefit from the amazing creative and cultural offer across Kirklees, established in response to Arts Council England’s October 2015 Cultural Education Challenge.
EvoKe aims for:
More children and young people to influence, take part and progress in a wider range of arts and cultural activity across Kirklees.
Improved visibility, quality and relevance of the arts and cultural offer for young people.
Improved health, wellbeing, achievement, creativity, resilience and aspirations of young people.
Improved parental and community engagement in young people’s learning.
EvoKe will collaborate to share ideas, resources and cultural assets to grow a quality cultural offer, in and out of school, for all children and young people in Kirklees.
EvoKe will do this through PREPARE:
Providing clear and accessible information about the arts and cultural offer and progression routes for children and young people.
Researching current provision and excellent practice to inform strategic planning.
Ensuring that teachers, artists & practitioners are trained to support arts and cultural learning.
Programming and producing opportunities to get involved in arts and culture and ensuring this is shaped by the needs of young people themselves
Articulating the difference that the arts & cultural offer in Kirklees makes to young people’s lives and to the borough overall.
Raising awareness and understanding of the wider value of arts and culture for young people.
Engaging parents, carers and care professionals in supporting their children to access arts and culture.
View my website https://evokekirklees.org/about/
My Location
Website: https://evokekirklees.org/about/
My Events
Maker World Launch Party / Fri 17 Jan 2020
We are delighted to invite you to the launch of Maker World, a new creative and collaborative space in Huddersfield town centre. The Children’s Ar...
Submit a 2 min video to C&K Careers Virtual Work Experience / Sun 28 Feb 2021
C&K Careers are producing a series of virtual work experience videos for Careers Week starting March 1st 2021. Evoke wants to make sure there is as mu...
Micro Commissions for Artists and Cultural Organisations / Mon 08 Feb 2021
IVE have repurposed some of their funding to invest in the cultural sector during this third lockdown. IVE will support individual artists and small a...
Producer - Our Biennale Children's Art Festival / Mon 08 Feb 2021
Our Biennale is a festival of arts and culture made with children and young people in Kirklees. Throughout the festival musicians, artists, theatre-ma...