Evelyn Anna Kharag / News / Thu 05 Nov 2015
Crafty Praxis Art Fair- Saturday 28th November - 10.00 -17.00

Do you know anyone who would appreciate quality hand made gifts?
My new original paintings, prints and collaged gifts will be on sale at this fabulous
monthly craft fair held in Huddersfield's most splendid, Byram Arcade.
This is a great opportunity to purchase quality paintings, texiles, jewellery and other gorgeous gifts direct from the artist!
See you Saturday 28th November 10.00 - 17.00
Crafty Praxis is a well stocked quality shop selling a mixture of arts and crafts from local and national artists and designers.
It is located on the ground floor of the Byram Arcade, a beautiful Victorian arcade in the West Yorkshire town of Huddersfield. At Crafty Praxis Textile Jeweller and Owner Elisa hand-picks all artists and designers for their unique designs and quality craftsmanship.
She is always exhibiting work by new Artists and Designers, most of whom are from the local area. Please check out the website for the latest news.
For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/events/1696971757197234/
News Location
Byrom Arcade
7/8 Byram Arcade, Huddersfield,
Hd1 1ND
Telephone: 07912 570 745
Email: craftypraxis@gmail.com
Website: https://www.facebook.com/events/1696971757197234/