Erin Walcon / Events / Mon 15 Nov to Wed 01 Dec 2010 (2 weeks)
Mapping Cultural Hotspots

General Invitation for the users of Creative Torbay:
Creative Geographies: a call for responses to help map sites of cultural interest.
As part of an launch of an exciting new website that maps geographical narratives and walking legibility of Torbay, Torbay Connected is seeking your stories about the ‘creative hotspots’ of Torbay.
Do you know of a secret piece of public art? Do you have a story about how people creatively use a building/open space/site? Where are your hotspots of cultural and creative happenings in the bay? Perhaps you know of a site that used to exist but now is only a memory?
Not just seeking conventional descriptions of entertainment, this online map seeks to tell the stories that lie hidden beneath the surface - and to reveal the richness of Torbay’s creative and cultural community life. In particular, stories by artists about their processes of creation/development are sought.
If you have a story to share, a public space that deserves special mention, a spot to highlight, a site to talk about, or a creation story about a piece of art/culture, please send them before 1 December. Response can be filled in here: https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewformformkey=dGRkTnJ3V1IxVEMtNl8teFpVWnkwRVE6MQ
Or send responses in the following format to Erin Walcon, Cultural Hotspots Editor:
your name
your title for the 'site', event, or location
your connection/title/description of your relationship to the site in question
a description or narrative about the site
your contact details
any hyperlinks you feel to be appropriate
any images which you would be happy to have used on the website
For more information visit https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dGRkTnJ3V1IxVEMtNl8teFpVWnkwRVE6MQ