English Riviera Geopark / News / Wed 28 Sep 2011
Geopark Revalidation Results!

The report of the two UNESCO evaluators that visited the Geopark back in June recently went before the European Geoparks Network Coordination Committee in Norway.
Great news! The English Riviera has been awarded another 4 years membership of the rapidly expanding UNESCO supported Global Geoparks Network.
Nick Powe, chairman of the English Riviera Global Geopark, said
“This is a great success for Torbay. We may be the smallest Geopark in the world but we are recognised across the global network as one of its gems. Many aspiring Geoparks are encouraged to look at the English Riviera for best practice when it comes to combining geology, the natural environment and tourism.
“The Global Geopark designation, endorsed by UNESCO, is hugely important to Torbay’s ambitions for economic regeneration. During the revalidation we were able to list £5.4million of inward investment projects secured for the resort as a direct result of the Geopark designation.
Geopark Coordinator Melanie Border said
"The inspection with the UNESCO evaluators was an intensive experience for all involved but they where really impressed by the strength of the Geopark Partnership and all of the achievements that have been made over the last 4 years."
"There are now 87 Global Geoparks in 27 countries around the world and it is fantastic to think that our place within this growing global network is secured for another 4 years. This designation is not just about one or two sites of geological importance but recognises the significance of the entire bay, celebrating our natural environment alongside our history, heritage, art and culture. It places the English Riviera on the map with some of the most stunning places around the world"
For more information visit http://www.englishrivierageopark.org.uk/